A Christian and an addict walk into a meeting...

Recently Richard Wilmot(PhD), author of “American Euphoria: Saying 'Know' to Drugs”, posted this provocative statement on a LinkedIn discussion group:
“Today one of the main criteria for a diagnosis of drug addiction/alcoholism is: continuing to consume alcohol or another drug “despite unpleasant or adverse consequences” (DSM). For the Christian martyrs the same criteria would apply. People of that time and place—Rome, 2nd century A.D.—could also say that this new Christianity was like a drug that endangered lives and that being a Christian had all the adverse financial, social, psychological and physical consequences that we now see in the lives of drug addicts and alcoholics. And yet Christians, of all ages, in spite of the consequences, continued to profess their faith… and continued to be eaten by lions.

Obviously there was something to Christianity that prevented the Christian from being abstinent from Christianity. It was something internal… an internal euphoria. It was something that could not be seen but nevertheless was something that was felt… and felt as something awesomely significant. It was something that made all the pain and suffering worthwhile: it was a religious experience.

Substance Use Knowledge Amongst Emergency Room and General Medical Personnel

Recently I had the misfortune of having to receive emergency treatment for a heart attack. I used this opportunity to do some investigation into how much emergency and other medical personnel know about substance use, and how much training they have been given.

Before I go any further, I would like to state that all the staff that I interacted with were excellent, and I believe I received a high standard of care, so I am not looking to criticise them or their abilities, but rather spot gaps in their training, pertaining specifically to substance use.